binary church of the immaculate upload

bd bd bd

Sunday, May 28, 2006

one will be right and the other will be left

A Question has been raised....
who`s rite???...answer.....binary left...
are you in there???not you wanna be??well you odda..
you outside lookin in?peckin them keys and watchin CODE fly by but only seein the words you sought?....and sometimes not even THAT....file not cannot be displayed...
here at the church we see a day when you`ll never have to try that refresh thingee that never works anyway...well...mostly never...
its ALL easier to get when it`s ALL in one place and that`s where you are too...
Have You Run Your Virus Scan Today???
refresh all you`ll never see me.....well... mostly never...bdbd.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

have u seen me lately?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

reverend baiter says

accept only cheap imitations.bodine,electranama,and i are CHEAP imitations.after my recent....adventure into blogindom...i see that not everyone has good,pure,and noble intentions....THERFORE...don`t believe ANY commentz frum us unless they are Signed In by don`t need anybody Else misleading you..that`s what eye here for....and this is a sticky wicket for us,the scribes....coz we aren`t in constant contact with bodine...and until we NO he`s read this....we can`t even trust what He says..unless he`s signed in first.
accept only cheap imitations.anyone commenting in our names and unsigned is claiming to be The Real Thing.`re just gonna have to trust me on that one....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

baiter says

who would buy a bumper sticker?a t shirt?a pamplet?these things...THESE.....are how the good works get done while we maintain our NORMAL lives...i am a respectable citizen now...this facade must be maintained......they don`t know about me...and they think electranama is Harmless...they don`t no about us...and that means they don`t no about you.....plant the seed of encrypted security and grow your upload your religious paraphanalia frum at the church...we`ve TOUCHED every piece...F8!F8!

Look closely at your screen

You may think that the Rev. Bodine is insensitive and emotionally unavailable BUT he is connected to you right now. RED BLUE GREEN dots of love emanating from your display right now. Sure you wish your refresh rate was fast enough to actually see his image but IT'S not and may /probably never will. This is a faith based login my fellow users.
save your settings.
standby...turn off...restart

reverend baiter about bodine

this is supposed to be his blog....The Church Blog..........there`s little films...have you watched them?..or it???those are his make sure he knew HOW to get em on......OF COURSE HE KNOWS HE`S IN SATTALITE COMMUNICATIONS!!!and i don`t mean he installs for a dish company...he went to FILM SCHOOL!!!he`s a computer GEEK!!!i had NEVER touched a computer til late feb of 05....i can only do it as well cause leary and raw taught me my brain as a biocomputer....and oh by the way...THAT`S how i no we need to get not anyhow yet....i can`t even set a blog up...neither cood the computer it turn out.....are IN THERE....and silly little things.....elude me...but it TAKES a village......
so this was gonna be his and i`d come visit and lectranama would too and then all beforunoity...we`re using our msn conversations as church dogma....i`m tellin NOW so that they may no THEN....i mean....
he is bodine and he does have the code and i do carry half of it........
but your missin out on a media we have to offer you.....cause bodine doesn`t put em on....he can DO IT!!!the proof is there on for video or whatever....see....ANIMATIONS!!!!By Church Members...see!!a paintshopped pic of lectranama!!!SAYING THINGS!!!
but no....all knowy and shot...all ya get is us little scribes......and we ARE tryin....but whaddya expect????lectranama is an ECT junky...and children....she is...and if you`d seen what eye seen you want some too....oh honey we`re WAITIN on that hard drive.....and eye can`t even type....not even well enuff to type what you`re reading right now....and we`re The Scribes???
saving your settings and bless the tundrapygmies and all that.....jesus on a pogo stick....

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Got Spy Sweeper?

images from 3rd mind...

how big IS it?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

revbait says

now that THAT is over....
children,i`m sorry you had to see that.peoples can be ugly and bein pretty back at em never got me internet predator is an internet predator no matter WHO they a tryin to eat.and sweet little gyp...bless her pointed poodlin up to gyp...well he wanted some...
that being said...i had a piffleme also....
if the jews hadn`t been bored that day...if they hadn`t been bred to entertainment more graphic than basic cable...damn those romans and thier matinee...maybe if jesus had been a LOCAL boy....none of that wooda happened...jesus wooda lived and where wood we be now?
who`s name wood we be fuckin it up in???
we shoodn`t HAT the jews....we shood pity them for being unawre that they[TOO],are the playthings of yaweh...doing Our God`s bidding....whining away the life of jesus so all this splendour cood be done in his name.
let us bray
i want jew to want me
i NEED jew to need me
i`d love jew to love me
i`m beggin jew to beg me....
definition of jewish foreplay.....3 hours of beggin followed by schlupping off in the bathroom.
wasn`t this fun???demagogueryHAHA!!
bdfbd.saving your settings....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

object lesson

hello.thank you for coming.i`m the rite reverend baiter.i am one of the two chief scribes of this church.we tincture what is sent from bodine...down...into something your computer can SHOW you without blowing....and i mean kerplow...up.
years ago reverend bodine sent the half of the code off with two halves....he knew the code would stay hidden at least until your average pc could handle it...oh not yet children....but it`s a comin....hang on it`s a comin....
What are the odds that those two seperate people....with NOTHING in common....except the burden....the half burdens that are more than ye can no....would meet and....witlesses....join the code while bonding sexually over thier burdens???what are the odds???
well hell,electranama,what are we SUPPOSED to do?ceptin to keep scribin for you....children....who cannot enter the gate until your heads are empty....but empty with such fullness...that your heads STILL won`t enter the gate.that there is a riddle wrapped in an enigma all shoved up into an object lesson....maybe we didn`t SCRIBE it right....

children,this is sister electranama.she`s willin to hand it ALL over to the church.she`s first on the list for the uploadin.we`re waitin on the hard drive with security encryption so`s we can do it right.bdbd

Monday, May 15, 2006


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Reverend Baiter says

Sts Prsrvus...u member when u was wanderin in the darkness and you saw a light? Am i CODE TALKIN you here? and you said "enlightenmesavemeRinseMeClean? and i said ... Larry ... you are your own saving and the magic! is inside you?"
eye was wrong.
you can't do it.
you tried and you gave up.
Log in ... comment ... you gotta TELL me where it hurts, honey.

Friday, May 05, 2006

pretty flimsy too

want to design a game called ricashaw.
instead of a paddle or bumper, you are in command of a little china man pulling a rickshaw around.
wicshar...hawring u wicshar around
wicshar is the name of the game. FUN.
my little china girl
u shoodnt mess with me
i'll ruin everhthing u r rrrrr
i'll give u television
i'll give u european sperms
i'll give u sons that want to ruin everything u r
i wanna be the bukket....bullet....
.................................k is next to l
they's nabors....cept sometimes they argue over kovemaling.
baiter receives sound byte
it's a sound byte world....that's what it's become
you make that bullshite sound so ... soundy and stufff ...
sound bytes are the bumper stickers of the new millenium
like...t shirtz in the 70s were the print ad of the 60s. And phone sex was the barbeque of the 90s
somethings always somethin or not...or is it just me?
porn is the sears underwear section of the new millenium
the porn of the new minnenium seems to be passionate disinterest.
L does not live next to N...not on MY keyboard
what??? was it a ouija board alofasudden like?
oh great...i got a spybot that turns my keyboard into a ouija board
gonna have to download a holy roller program justa get rid of it
tried to google up cocker spaniel ... and contacted my dead mom
go into the light .... don't go into the light
damn that light
yeah i heard about that ouija key spybot
i wouldn't mind it so much if it just didn't go around so shiney and shut. TOO SHINEY...if u ask me.
there's one that turns your mouse into a magic 8 ball
ask again later
you gotta download that holy roller program before the virus commends your hard drive's soul to satan
the up side is ... once commended ... u can surf any porn without gettin got...your gotten...there is slack in everything
i mean...i cood go fer fucking bd
but what if i google up college girls and get granny porn and it's MY granny...doing double anal? These are some DARK forces we're talkin about...
don't name the nameless porn!!!!
It told ME it's name! i dint ask!
always does...
and then...
gave me candy...
and i took it!
of course
i'm a sinner
it's candy!
save me white jesus
patch the pony is ashamed of you
i seen HIS porno too...he looked alittle bored.
..................i can pass up anything but temptation...
my ONE weakness
live without it if u could just live without it
My soul is strong...
But my flesh is, wait...
my soul is pretty flimsy, too