this is supposed to be his blog....The Church Blog..........there`s little films...have you watched them?..or it???those are his make sure he knew HOW to get em on......OF COURSE HE KNOWS HE`S IN SATTALITE COMMUNICATIONS!!!and i don`t mean he installs for a dish company...he went to FILM SCHOOL!!!he`s a computer GEEK!!!i had NEVER touched a computer til late feb of 05....i can only do it as well cause leary and raw taught me my brain as a biocomputer....and oh by the way...THAT`S how i no we need to get not anyhow yet....i can`t even set a blog up...neither cood the computer it turn out.....are
IN THERE....and silly little things.....elude me...but it TAKES a this was gonna be his and i`d come visit and lectranama would too and then all beforunoity...we`re using our msn conversations as church dogma....i`m tellin NOW so that they may no THEN....i mean....
he is bodine and he does have the code and i do carry half of it........
but your missin out on a media we have to offer you.....cause bodine doesn`t put em on....he can DO IT!!!the proof is there on for video or whatever....see....
ANIMATIONS!!!!By Church Members...see!!a paintshopped pic of lectranama!!!SAYING THINGS!!! but no....all knowy and shot...all ya get is us little scribes......and we ARE tryin....but whaddya expect????lectranama is an ECT junky...and children....she is...and if you`d seen what eye seen you want some too....oh honey we`re WAITIN on that hard drive.....and eye can`t even type....not even well enuff to type what you`re reading right now....and we`re The Scribes???saving your settings and bless the tundrapygmies and all that.....jesus on a pogo stick....