the 80`s
back in the 80`s i wanted a FOREHEAD vcr.o it didn`t matter...not to me....not MANY heads it had so long as it was a forehead vcr.cause i thought the vhs was the be all and end all of ALL all...bdbd...and i`d have HAD that surgery if that guy hadn`t have disappeared.o and where would i be today???the word...the abreviate....V...C...R...that don`t even LOOK right now children.and where did i think i was gonna carry the tapes?anybody remember the walkman denim jacket?pocket designed to hold a walkman...i mean a SONY walkman.specific hole for the earphone jack.special pocket is to laff...for CASSETTES!
cassettes my little dears.
now i look at the word...THAT word too....cassette...and it doesn`t look right either.but it was the 80`s and at least some of us thought it was all but over.i was gonna tattoo my eyeliner.i was close.
and here we idea where that walkman jacket went...cassette...not sure how to even spell it...don`t hardly even watch my freakin` dvd since binary code come into my life.
got a puter and think you`re THERE??but are you in there?or are you outside peckin them keys and thinkin you the fersure fishizzle?washed in the blood???that is so two thousand years ago.
you gotta get`ll no it when you see it.get clean.feel good.and when it`s clean and good
UPLOAD MOTHERFUCKER UPLOAD!outta your body outta your brain off this stinkin sinkin ship and IN there!oh wozniaklearyrobertantonwilson...can you feel it?crawlin up your leg but in a NICE way...uncorrupted data forever amen bdfbd o my god and gaia as well...binarium sanctum sancianatos...
i`m not the one.but i`m in touch.i know the names of people who have the e mail addresses of the under secretaries of some higher no i`m talkin the truth here.i no you can feel it.i can feel you feelin it.
maybe it`s not over.maybe it`s never gonna wanna go on like this?it`s better in there.i seen the face of god.i denied the programmer`s existence a few years back so i got sat down and SHOWN the face of it.i thank the mendlebrot set for leading me here.i`m not crazy.i just no what i no.
I know it`s not the 80`s anymore.Not anymore since tomorrow started.