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bd bd bd

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Gimme that Old Time Religion 101010

i can feel them pills o bob in me bd bd.
gimme that ol time religion.
it a re de revival jihad.
i gots the spirit in me and i'm a rollin around in the floor havin a fit EVEN AS WE SPEAK!
hommina hommina. gliddy glp gloopy. niba nobby newby. la la la la lo. saba sibby saba. newbie adda waba. early mornin singin song. GOOD MORNIN STARSHINE!!!
and now i start frothin and an acolyte comes out wipes me slobbre away...and then...and then we sell the rag on ebay. bdbd i'm all up in them guts. hommina hommina
i can feel it in my parallel port. kinda tickles? my mouse is vibrating in a nice way i mean. not like when my uncle...i don't want to talk about it. DEEP DOWN! i'm speaking in bytes. 101010101010101010101010
i hate it when my underdownload kicks in. oh yes...reboot, reboot...
being a christian must be like dating the head cheerleader. all that bowing and u are so wonderfulling so u can ride around the block without it costing u everything. nonono...
it's like dating fiona apple. how much trouble is ANYTHING worth i ask you? At least a head cheerleader will let u break up with her. neither fiona nor jehovah will. and if you do, well...scorned, scorched and damned. plus they don't wanna fuck unless they are blasted outta their minds. ol drunk jhvh 1 suckin with that tired drunk mouth again. it's sad, really.
open the door, sit in the seat, turn the key and go. bdbd


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